Blue Kyanite

Blue Kyanite Tumbled AAA

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In the area of protection, Blue Kyanite helps you to protect from individuals who may be messing with your mental/spiritual state of mind.  If you are experiencing manipulation of any type, Blue Kyanite is a "go to" stone. It is a stone of clear thinking and a perfect deflector of worry, anxiety or self-doubt. Because it is a throat chakra stone, it helps you to understand the real messages being communicated to you and to read between the lines to ascertain truth in all  your communications.  You can add hematite or sunstone to the Blue Kyanite to strengthen your ability to stand in your truth and maintain healthy boundaries. 

Our available blue Kyanite blades are some of the choicest we have ever come across in shape and color.  The blue hue is heavenly.  Beyond its color, and protective qualities, Blue Kyanite has the amazing ability to align all chakras automatically and immediately.  Kyanite is also  tranquilizing and a natural pain reliever.  Its energy resonates with the throat and third eye chakras, serving as a great balancer and healer for the ears, nose, jaw, teeth and sinuses.  

Blue Kyanite is perfect for use by Energy workers in the Healing Room. A blade can be placed on each one of the chakras after the initial energy work has been completed.  

Crystals may vary in sizes, shapes, colors, and measurements.