Greetings Fellow Reiki Enthusiasts!
Writing this message to you on a beautiful sunny day with the windows open and sounds of nature all around. During the past week, my husband and I have been busy outside weeding and laying mulch and planting our flowerpots and vegetable garden—that always puts me in a good mood. Not only so we can enjoy the results but being outdoors enjoying the nice weather.
With Spring upon us and Summer fast approaching, it got me thinking about the importance of getting outdoors and recharging in nature. Studies have shown that when we spend time in nature, we can reduce our stress levels, lower our blood pressure, improve mood and enhance our immune system function. Even kicking off your shoes and standing or walking barefoot in the grass for a few minutes can recharge us. Let yourself relax in nature, if your mind starts wandering to all the things you still need to fit into your day, try doing some breathwork so you can let go and recharge.
If you can’t make it outside, take a few minutes to ground yourself. Grounding exercises offer some of the same benefits as walking in nature and can increase your energy level during a hectic day.
When you are out in nature, don’t forget to show gratitude to Mother Earth and send a little healing her way!
Thought for the Day
“The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.”
Reiki News and Tips:
As you head outdoors to enjoy these sunny days, don’t forget to take precautions from the sun. If you like to garden, hike or walk in wooded areas, learn about common outdoor poison or skin irritating plants so you can avoid them and protect yourself from ticks and bug bites. And don’t forget to use Reiki for protection and as part of your first aid kit.
Please note that the following tips do not in any way replace seeking professional medical attention in the case of an allergic or severe reaction or replace doctor recommended pharmaceuticals or over the counter medicine for treatment. Seek professional medical attention whenever you are in doubt. Reiki can be used alongside allopathic care to support the healing process.
Sunscreen: select a high SPF sunscreen that is mineral based or free of chemicals that may be harmful to your skin. Use Reiki as you apply the sunscreen to exposed areas. Set the intention that only beneficial ingredients will penetrate and protect the skin. Reapply as needed using Reiki. If you get a slight sunburn, don’t forget to give the area(s) Reiki. Hold your hands above the body while you give Reiki to the sunburned area(s) to avoid further irritating the skin. Severe sunburn should be addressed by a medical professional. Reiki can be used as a complementary treatment as long as your hands do not touch the affected area(s) and it does not increase the heat of the areas to be treated. Drink plenty of water and also give Reiki to the kidneys and liver as burns create toxins that the body must release.
Poison or Skin Irritating Plants: be aware of common poison or skin irritating plants, such as poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac and wild parsnip, in the areas you garden, walk or hike so you can avoid them. If you encounter any of these plants, wash your skin with soap and water as soon as possible. Some people are very allergic and can have severe reactions including swelling and/or shortness of breath and need to seek immediate medical attention. In the case of wild parsnip, avoid sunlight as it can cause blistering skin burns to the affected areas. In minor cases, keep the area dry and avoid scratching. Holistic or over the counter remedies may be appropriate to help dry the affected area and help with itching. Reiki can be used above the area to alleviate the itching and to aid the body in healing.
Bug Bites: try using intention and Reiki to place yourself in a protective bubble. If you need to apply insect repellent to clothing or exposed skin, try to select as non-toxic a repellent as you can. Use Reiki as you apply it while setting the intention that no harmful ingredients will penetrate your skin. Use Reiki on mosquito bites to lessen itching and to help your body heal. If you are bitten by a wasp or bee, use a plastic card to scrap across the bite to remove the stinger and give Reiki to the area. If you or someone else is allergic to wasp or bee stings, use an EpiPen as applicable and/or seek medical attention immediately. Reiki can be used to lessen symptoms and itching after appropriate medical attention is received. In the case of ticks found on the body, use a clean tweezer to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible and pull upward with steady, even pressure and clean the area with alcohol. Watch the area for reactions and seek medical attention as needed. Particular attention should be paid if you believe you were bitten by a deer tick. Seek medical attention when in question or with any signs of swelling or color change around the affected area. Reiki can be used as complementary therapy to help the body heal.
Take necessary precautions and get outdoors to enjoy the warm weather, relax in nature and rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit!
Upcoming Reiki Related Classes at
Angel Light Center for the Healing Arts: 2331 S. 108th St. West Allis, WI 53227. Phone: 262-787-3001
Website: angellightshopping.com
Reiki Shares and Reiju Offerings
Date(s): 6/19, 7/17, 8/21 (3rd Wednesday of Every Month)
Time: 6:00p - 8:00p
Cost: $15.00 per Session
Come and meet other Reiki students and practitioners, ask questions and receive instructor and other attendees’ perspectives, practice and receive Reiki under the guidance of an instructor as well as learn and share techniques.
All participants will receive a spiritual blessing of Reiju. Reiju is a physical and energetic empowerment ritual provided by the instructor that offers an energetic clearing and reconnection to oneself and the universe, supports one along their spiritual journey and reawakens the flow of Reiki within.
Watch for additional Reiki Levels I, II and III classes to be scheduled for Fall 2024
Instructors: Kelly Halverson and Monica Latus, as mentored by Sheri Bauer, RRMT
Kelly and Monica each have over 10 years of Reiki and holistic healing experience. In addition to their commitment to Reiki and their further enlightenment through teaching, both are certified in Japanese Reiki and Crystal Reiki. Collectively, they have a studied a wide range of healing modalities, including herbal medicine, aromatherapy, crystal healing, crystal reflexology, chakra healing, mind/body medicine, acupressure and sound healing