Thursdays - March 6, 13, 27, April 3, 2025
6:15 pm - 8:45 pm
Crystal Reiki classes are limited to six students per series. Every student signed up MUST be committed to completing the ENTIRE series and receiving their Certificate as a Crystal Reiki Practitioner.
Crystal Reiki may be defined as the use of crystals in combination with the channeling of Reiki (healing energies) to stimulate the self-healing mechanisms of the mind, body, and spirit. It is not necessary to use crystals in order to give an effective Reiki treatment and, likewise, not all Crystal Healers are Reiki Practitioners. Therefore, the use of crystals is not necessarily taught in Reiki courses and vice-versa. However, as many people are interested in, and positively affected by, both Reiki and Crystals - treatments and courses in Crystal Reiki have become very popular recently.
During this course, you will be taught how to program crystals with 15 different sacred geometric patterns. The patterns that you will be taught have occurred repeatedly through time and are considered the common language of the universe. They are part of creation energy and within them are contained the frequencies that signal our angels, guides and beings of light to assist us in the channeling of universal light energy. For this reason, the system has been referred to as Crystal Reiki Healing.
Please Note: You do not need to be a Crystal Healer or a Reiki Practitioner to take this course. It is a completely separate and unique system and does not have any pre-requisites.
CRYSTAL REIKI LEVEL I: Thursday, March 6, 2025 from 6:15-8:45 pm
Within the power of a self-created, sacred light grid, students will be attuned to symbols
that will enhance their ability to transmit energy for self-healing and/or the healing of others. The first level class teaches students practical grounding and centering techniques and discusses ethical practices within the Crystal Reiki system. Students will be empowered with the Reikiflow Healing symbol for use in clearing and programming their crystals. Students will also learn how to draw and use the first five symbols in the Crystal Reiki system including the Life Cycle Energy Crystal Symbol, the Kundalini Crystal Symbol, the Spinal Energy Symbol, the Grounding Symbol, and the Centering Symbol; all which are inherent to the Crystal Reiki healing system. Students will be attuned to each one of these symbols within a self-created, sacred light geometric grid.
CRYSTAL REIKI LEVEL II: Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 6:15-8:45 pm
This class will begin with a Crystal Reiki student exchange using the sacred geometric patterns that were learned in Level I. Students will also be empowered with the second five Crystal Reiki Symbols including the Healing Energy Symbol, the Internal Healing Symbol, the Spiritual Energies Symbol, the Seven-pointed Star Symbol, and the External Physical Body Symbol. They will receive these symbols within the power of a self-created, sacred light geometric grid.
CRYSTAL REIKI LEVEL III: Thursday, March 27, 2025 from 6:15-8:45 pm
The third class in the Crystal Reiki series will begin with a partner share using the sacred geometric patterns and healing techniques learned in Level II. Students will then learn about and be empowered with the final five Crystal Reiki Symbols including the Positive Energy Symbol, the Divine Feminine Symbol, the Divine Masculine Symbol, the Divine Within Symbol, and the Doorway Between the Worlds Symbol. Students will be attuned to each one of these symbols within a self-created, sacred light geometric grid.
CRYSTAL REIKI LEVEL IV: Thursday, April 3, 2025 from 6:15-8:45 pm
Students will begin this class with a student exchange using the sacred geometric patterns learned in Level III. During this session, they will also learn how to create a Distance Healing Crystal Grid and will be instructed in the use of a symbol designed to assist souls that are departing the earth plane. Students will then review all their learned symbols. A discussion and question and answer period will follow. Students will learn a Crystal Reiki Chakra Balancing technique that uses chakra compatible stones, symbols and an energy infusion technique.
Crystal Reiki Certificate Requirements: Must complete all TEN hours of physical class attendance. Students may earn a certificate by completing all courses within the Program and submitting 5 documented Crystal Reiki Healing sessions to the instructor (utilizing one symbol from Level1, TWO symbols from Level 2, and TWO symbols from Level 3) for a total of 15 hours (10 hours of course time and 5 hours of experiential work).
Required Materials: 7 single-terminated Clear Quartz Crystal Points (these may be natural or cut and polished, but they must be single-terminated) and 1 PALM SIZED Crystal Heart (your choice of stone).
All classes are held at Angel Light Center for the Healing Arts, 2331 S. 108th Street, West Allis, WI.