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Year-long Spiritual Ceremony & Ritual Program
Join Savannah Woodard in honoring the earth through Celtic traditions and rituals.  Each ceremony has been thoughtfully curated to restore ancient wisdom and inner knowing in those who participate. Savannah intentionally utilized knowledge from wisdom keepers from many cultures when creating this program. Anyone can benefit from this program, no matter your lineage. Join her on this journey to self-discovery and universal connection. You may participate in any individual ceremony or invest in the entire year of ceremonies for a discounted price.

November 2, 2024 (Saturday) 11 am-1 pm - Samhain Bread Ceremony (Gluten-Free Option)
Celtic and Latino traditions believe that the veil between our world and those who have passed is thinnest this time of year. Samhain (pronounced sah-win) honors ancestors, the end of summer and harvest season. Festivals often also embrace the beginning of winter, which Celts associate with death. Join Savannah Woodard in honoring the cycle of life and death through ritual. This ritual intends to provide closure for those who have survived our loved one's passing and to honor those who have gone to the other side. Please feel free to bring a portrait or a small item that represents your loved one. Together, we will set an altar and “break bread” with those who have transitioned to the other side.  $25

After the Bread Ceremony, Savannah will guide you through three Asanas intended to relieve grief and sorrow from the body. She will then guide you through three integrative asanas intended to restore joy and hope to participants. Feel free to bring your own yoga mat! Samhain Bread Ceremony $25 ...Asanas $20 ... Ceremony and Asana $40

December 14, 2024 (Sunday) 12-2pm - Yule Full Moon Transmutation Ceremony
 In many traditions, winter is seen as a time to go within and search for what no longer serves us. Celts honor yule as a time to turn the darkness of winter into a new beginning. As the darkest winter days form into more extended periods of light and eventually the spring sun, we begin to open to the coming spring. Christians associate this time with the birth of their savior, Jesus Christ. Metaphorically, this represents the rebirth of the dark into the light and, historically, the birth of a significant profit. Native Americans often connect the dark days of winter as a time to reflect on the interconnectedness we all share as living beings. Join Savannah in weaving these cultures' wisdom into a single Transmutation Ceremony.

After the transmutation ceremony, please join Savannah Woodard for three fire asanas and “breath of fire” to burn what no longer serves us. Following the fire exercises, we will do three restorative asanas to integrate our internal flame with the cooling elements of bilateral movement and breath.
Transmutation Ceremony $25... Asanas $20...Ceremony and Asana $40

January 12, 2025 (Sunday) 1-3 pm - Full moon in Cancer Restoration Ceremony
 Join Savannah Woodard in exploring the aspects of ourselves lost due to the lack of restoration in our lives and society. We will honor those lost parts of ourselves and encourage them to revitalize through the energy of this month's full moon in Cancer. Cancer represents home, family, and our foundations. This zodiac sign is also based on the moon, emotions, and femininity. Together, we will explore our feminine aspects of self and their importance in longevity and stability. Savannah will facilitate a ceremony that allows us to embody our inner divine feminine through restorative practice and intention. 

After the restoration ceremony, Savannah will guide the group through four slow-flowing rounds of moon salutations. The moon salutation, known in Sanskrit as Chandra namaskara, is a series of poses performed in a particular sequence to create a cooling and flowing movement. These salutations are intended to restore and empower those who perform them. Restoration Ceremony $25...  Asanas $20 ...Ceremony and Asana $40

February 2, 2025 (Saturday) 1-3 pm - Imbolc Purification Ceremony
Join Savannah Woodard in celebrating Imbolc, the celebration of the coming of spring, and the honoring of Saint Brigid. Brigid is known as the goddess of fertility, birth, and abundance in Celtic and Christian traditions. Join Savannah in honoring Brigid and all that she represents. Savannah will first do a purification ritual to dispel any blockages that keep us from receiving what we deserve. We will then make Brigid dolls and continue with the ritual to bring in abundance. Please come with an intention in mind. What would you like to attract into your life as we prepare for the coming spring equinox?

After our ceremony, Savannah will facilitate eight asanas intended to open the chakras and further release the blockages we processed together during our ceremony. All levels of experience are welcome. Purification Ceremony... $25Asanas... $20Ceremony and Asana $40

March 20, 2025 (Thursday) 6-8 pm - Ostara Yin and Yang Ceremony
Join Savannah Woodard in celebrating Ostara, the Spring Equinox. Let us honor this new
beginning with a balancing Yin-Yang Ceremony. As the dark winter embarks on its journey into spring, we must honor the light and dark within us all. Join Savannah in exploring our personal values and how duality has shaped who we are today. We will then utilize our values in a yin-yang ritual.

Please join Savannah in four Sun Salutations followed by a slow moon sequence flow. This class is intended to integrate the Yin and Yang Ceremony but is beneficial to anyone who needs a little more balance in their lives. All levels of experience are welcome.
Yin and Yang Ceremony $25 ... Asanas $20... Ceremony and Asana $40

April 12, 2025 (Saturday) 11-1 pm - Full Moon Shadow Ceremony
The full Moon is a time to be receptive, to take the light and awareness of spirit into our
emotional and physical bodies. Join Savannah Woodard for a Reiki shadow ceremony. During this shadow ceremony, the group will reflect on how power and control dynamics show up in our closest relationships. These relationship dynamics are often part of our “shadow self” or what we have repressed. She will then do a group Reiki ceremony to integrate the shadow part.

Join Savannah in doing eight asanas intended to break through the darkness. We will first calm the mind with pranayama and then move into a deeply restorative practice. Restorative yoga is intended to be simple and slow. Because of this particular intention, restorative yoga classes often differ from most yoga classes. We will utilize props, breath, and deep meditative states to permit our bodies to relax and restore truly. All levels of experience are welcome.  Shadow Ceremony $25... Asanas $20 ...Ceremony and Asana $40

May 1, 2025 (Thursday) 6-8 pm - Beltane Manifestation Ceremony
Join Savannah Woodard in building an intention for manifestation. We will reflect on what we need to manifest most during this time. Together, the group will discuss our lives' limitless potential and discover what the universe can provide. In Celtic tradition, Beltane is a time to celebrate the peak of spring and the beginning of summer and abundance. Join Savannah in utilizing intention and ritual to manifest what your heart desires. As a group, we will create a “May Basket” and fill it with your desires. Savannah will provide a few items to put into the May baskets, but if you have a small item that represents what you’re manifesting, you’re welcome to bring it.

Join Savannah for a high-energy vinyasa and tai chi flow to initiate the movement of chi in your body. (There will be modifications to accommodate all levels of yoga experience.) When we move stagnant energy, there is more space for “the new” to come in. All levels of experience are welcome. Manifestation Ceremony $25 ...Asanas $20 ...Ceremony and Asana $40

June 21, 2025 (Saturday) 11-1 pm -Litha Fire Ceremony                                             Join Savannah Woodard in honoring the Summer Solstice through community and sacred ceremonies. First, enjoy a Ceremonial-Grade Cacao Ceremony intended to open your heart chakra and soothe your central nervous system. Then, Savannah will facilitate a common Litha, one of the eight pagan sabbats, fire ritual with the group to transform fear into positive action. 

Once the fire ritual is completed, Savannah will guide you through multiple heart-opening asanas to integrate all that we worked through. She will then guide the group through a transformative heart-centered pranayama exercise. You are welcome to bring your own mat or use one that we provide. All levels of yoga experience are welcome.
Fire Ceremony $25 ... Asanas $20 ...Ceremony and Asana $40

July 10, 2025 (Thursday) 6-8 pm - Full Moon Integration Ceremony
Join Savannah Woodard in honoring the full moon with an integration ceremony. This full moon is in Capricorn, which represents stability, consistency, and strength—all key elements in the integration process. Savannah will guide the group through a self-awareness exercise intended to strengthen a person's connection to the physical and spiritual world. Savannah will then facilitate a ritual intended to ground and integrate the major life lessons that we have learned.

Join Savannah for a high-energy vinyasa and tai chi flow to initiate the movement of chi in your body. (There will be modifications to accommodate all levels of yoga experience.) When we move stagnant energy, there is more space for integration and alignment. All levels of experience are welcome. Celebration Ceremony $25 ...Asanas $20 ... Ceremony and Asana $40

August 1, 2025 (Thursday) 6-8 pm -Harvest Celebration Ceremony
In both Celtic and Christian traditions, August 1st is a day to feast and spend time with loved ones. Join Savannah Woodard in reflecting on what we value most in our lives and how to feed those values and eventually harvest their bounty. Savannah will facilitate a celebration ritual to further express our gratitude for all that we have to be grateful for. As a group, we will perform an apple celebration ceremony to honor those who have positively impacted us.

After the celebration ritual, Savannah will guide you through multiple grounding asanas that promote personal growth and self-awareness. She will finish the practice with a grounding meditation. All levels of experience are welcome.
Celebration Ceremony $25 ... Asanas ... $20Ceremony and Asana $40

September 21, 2025 (Sunday) 11-1 pm - Mabon Fall Equinox Archangel Ceremony
Join Savannah Woodard in utilizing the power of the Archangels to honor the earth and all that she provides. Mabon, the fall equinox, is a time for introspection. Many cultures believe that this is a time to slow down and go within in preparation for the darker months ahead. In Christianity and New Age Philosophy, the Archangels are considered messengers of God. As a group, we will communicate with the Archangels to further our knowledge of our purpose and how to implement it in our daily lives.

After the Archangel ceremony, Savannah will guide the group through two sets of four asanas intended to establish a deeper connection to our ancestors and guides. She will finish the practice with a meditation intended to connect us to the earth's magnetic grid. All levels of experience are welcome. Archangel Ceremony ... $25 ...Asanas $20 ...Ceremony and Asana $40

About your Instructor Savannah Woodard: