CLASS 1: Introduction to Working with Crystals
Thursday, May 8, 2025, from 6:15-8:15 pm
Want to know how to work with crystals as Energy Medicine? This class is for everyone beginning their crystal healing journey or for “crystal enthusiasts” that would like to review the foundation of knowledge for their journey with healing crystals and stones. Topics covered in the course will include:
- How crystals are birthed within the earth
- How to select the crystals/stones that are best for you
- How to clear and cleanse stones
- How to activate/awaken crystals
- How to program your stones through intention and action
- Awakening your Root, Palm, and Soul Star Chakras
- A description of crystal shapes and formations and their energetic properties
CLASS 2: Healing with Clear Quartz and Smoky Quartz Crystals: Everything you Wanted to Know and More…
Thursday, May 15, 2025, from 6:15-8:15 pm
The focus for this class will be on clear quartz and smoky quartz crystals. Students will learn about the anatomy of a quartz crystal and learn to recognize and understand the different types of quartz crystals determined by their shapes and special configurations. They will learn a technique to be able to feel the energy of quartz crystals in the palms of their hands and how to balance the chakras using a clear quartz single terminated point. Students will also learn the origins and uses of smoky quartz crystal and a protocol to use smoky quartz to draw out and reduce pain.
CLASS 3: Introduction to Crystal Grids
Thursday, May 22, 2025, from 6:15-8:15 pm
Crystal grids are an amazing way to shift the energy of the physical body and its related energy fields, the energy of a room, or that of a client you may be working with. During this first level grid class, you will be introduced to making a crystal grid using a basic Flower of Life pattern. You will also delve into why and how laying stones in a specific pattern works within the building blocks of all creation and what it means to become a “Stone Whisperer.” Cleaning and storing stones will be covered along with creating a basic seven-stone layout incorporating an anchor stone and the support stones that surround it. You will learn how to activate and de-activate your grid and when and how to use your grid once it is completed.
CLASS 4: Introduction to Crystal Layouts for the Chakra System
Thursday, May 29, 2025, from 6:15-8:15 pm
During this class, students will investigate the inner workings of chakras and their relationships to crystals. The chakra system will be explored along with crystal and stone techniques to promote healing, peace, and well-being. Simple Chakra layouts will be experienced from a basic chakra balance using clear quartz crystals to more advanced instruction on how to determine which crystals/stones to use for healing and energizing each of the basic 7 chakras. Students will learn how to use the infinity symbol to weave the energy of a crystal layout into balance and harmony, and the class will conclude with brain balancing techniques using quartz crystals.